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Lauren Donaldson

Session Two Newsletter 2024

Hot, Hot, Hot! This week was very sunny and humid. The shade was our friend this week. We drank lots of water, and had sprinker stations to cool us off. We even made some special treats for the animals to cool off as well.

Nature Sallie and campers made colorful planks of wood for salamanders to hide under. When they go on nature hikes, we will be able to check underneath and see if any of them have made a little home.

Horseback riding was limited this week. We still encorporated some horse activities to pamper them in the heat. All of the horses got sprayed down with water and got a bath to cool them off. We had one day of horse riding. Some campers even made popsicles safe for them to eat!

On Wednesday, we had our late stay. Campers that stay late get extra time at the lake. Campers buried their counselors in the sand and made them look like mermaids! It was a blast! Ending our days at the lake this week were very much needed. The cool water helped refresh our happy campers!

Campers always make sure our animals feel loved. They never miss the chance to hang out with the new baby cows, chicks and goats.

One of our head counselors, Delaney, helped campers make animal safe popsicles. They enjoyed their special treats during the heat.

Crafting was a hit this week. Staying in the shade and making clay sculptures, hair braiding and painting.

Our craft shop fish tank got fish this week. Campers hiked up to Steve and Leslie's pond to catch some koi fish for the tank.

Tie-dye is a messy activity but super fun! Campers create their own colorful t-shirt to wear on tie-dye friday.

Some counselors went on a nature hike to make like flower pot cards. Super Cute!

This week we would like to acknowledge three counselors for their amazing work. We call them C.O.W for counselor of the week. Thank you for doing an outstanding job with the campers this week, we appreciate you! Head counselor, Alida (left), assistant counselor, Jacob (middle), CIT, Jessica (right).

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